regenerative grid simulator

Regenerative programmable ac grid simulator, regeneration bidirectional grid simulation: full 4-Quadrant, regenerative, bidirectional, ideal for testing micro-grids, grid-tied solar inverters, on-line critical power systems (UPS), grid-aware chargers, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) inverters, and similar AC grid-connected devices.

AcaPower regenerative grid simulator is a full 4 quadrant, fully regenerative, AC power supply designed for common electrical product testing, is developed for renewable energy related applications. It can simulate the various grid conditions and related test standards. 

AcaPower regenerative grid simulators are widely used for applications of green energy products, such as PV inverters, energy storage systems (ESS), power conditioning systems (PCS), micro grids, power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL), electric vehicle power supply equipment (EVSE), on-board charger (OBC) and bidirectional on-board charger (BOBC), etc.

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